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Meet Your Magickal Web Witch


So, you want to meet the witch behind the magick, eh?

My Little Witchling and I Samhain 2000
Yes, she is positively baffled!

Yes, a witch dwells in these rustic rooms.  That's me, above, with my witchling daughter on her first Samhain.  Don't ask me why she's a clown.  And don't ask me why she has a heart painted on one side of her face..and a liver on the other.  I'm not exactly artistic;  let's leave it at that.  I know, I don't keep up with the Johnsons.  I realize the public at large believes witches should be absolute hags.'s just not going to happen.  Sorry to disappoint. So what's the real reason why you've come?  Ahhh...of course!  To see the Witch of The North (though I'm not so awfully wicked;  well, maybe just a touch).  To purchase a potion, gain some  knowledge. 

You've come to the right place.

Help yourself to a glass of my garden-fresh peppermint sweet tea - maybe a sugar cookie as well - pull up a stool, read a bit about my experiences, and then delve into my website.

Here Is My Little Witch Today!

I am what some might call a "natural" witch.  I think I prefer to be known as Traditional. 

Since I was eight years old, I have been fascinated by the witch's craft.  I read and read.  I discovered that many of the things I had been doing were actually fell under the realm of the Wise Woman tradition.  My every day existence had centered around little rituals and being one with nature and the Earth Goddess.  Deep down inside I knew I really wasn't buying the "Big Old Guy In The Chair Up In Heaven" deal.  What a shock (yet, deep down...what a relief) it was to my little Catholic schoolgirl mind to discover -- gasp! -- I was really pagan!  That I wasn't the only one out there who believed all the wonderful magickal properties of herbs and stones and candles. 

So I read and read some more.  By the time I was eighteen I was ready to find a true teacher (it ended up  being more than one) -- and I did.  I studied with them for seven glorious years before we all moved to separate parts of the country.

But there is much more to the Craft than what you can read in a book.  It is something that you live and breathe and experience - and participate in - every minute of every day.  You cannot learn witchcraft from a book.  And no matter what anyone says, you are not a witch simply because you "study for a year and a day".  Being a witch is something you are every minute of every day.  It is a philosophy and a way of life.  It isn't something "cool" or trendy.  Okay, I think it's cool --- but, hey, I've been this way for far more than half my life, so, naturally, I think it's cool!

It wasn't until I was seventeen that I decided that the Craft was where my heart lay.  And, now, I've been a solitary practictioner for almost 20 years.  Every day is a joyous, incredible experience.

Now, with all that mushy-gushy out of the way...I suppose I should add that I am an extremely opinionated and outspoken Goddess.  It's just the way I am.